Sunday, July 31, 2016

Serene Beauty

A land of diverse vegetation, so serene and lavish,
which makes for a pleasant and relaxing journey.

I can never take a bad photo of these striking
water lilies found throughout the country.
Our 25km group bike trip through the countryside
of Battambang with 'Soksabikewas the ultimate in
appreciating the picturesque landscape, meeting the
friendly locals and sampling their local produce.

Limes are so plentiful
My accommodation in Siem Reap -
Sonalong Boutique Village
Evergreen trees and opulent foliage naturally
provide a welcoming coolness and protection
from the sweltering sun's rays.
The balcony to my room in Natural BungalowsKampot

Waterfalls in Sihanoukville

Cambodian flowers - most pristine and perfect.
Beautiful lilies found in ponds throughout Siem Reap

Majestic ancient tree in Sambo Prei Kuk
 Cambodia's countryside fills me with a sense of
peace and profoundly soothes my heart and soul.

Friday, July 29, 2016

An Ancient Realm

Impressive temples of intricate structure and detailed
carvings and architecture dating back to the 7th century,
(even earlier) are a remarkable impression of Khmer history.

One of countless bas-reliefs carvings.
This one portrays someone being checked for head lice.
Bas-reliefs adorn the temple walls, portraying stories
of daily life events during the ancient Khmer Empire.

Absorbing the sunrise beyond Angkor Wat is no doubt
one of the most exquisite sights I have witnessed.
To be honest, it would have to be on even par with Ayers Rock.
Overwhelmed, I meandered through the majestic
Angkor Wat - largest religious monument in the world.
Ascending to the highest levels via countless flights of stairs
and passing through endless door and passage ways
within walls of colossal sculptured stone blocks.
Never forget the warm, broad smile of this Monk
who blessed me at Angkor Wat
I admired the four smiling faces carved in
vast towers of stone blocks in the Bayon temple,
situated in Angkor Thom (Great Royal City)
I believe the four faces represent
compassion,sympathy, equanimity and charity 
Amazing, no matter from what angle I stared
into the eyes of any one of the stone faces,
they were looking and smiling back at me.
Imposing, snaking roots of trees growing through ancient
ruins of Ta Prohm has signified it as one of the most
favourite temples in Angkor.
Also renowned as the location where the movie
'Tomb Raider' was filmed.
Photographers and writers are imaginatively inspired by
Ta Prohm's enchantment, - though I believe 
no words
or images can verify its natural, raw beauty.