Saturday, August 6, 2016

Cheers to the Best

Best of Cambodia

On the first meet of our tour, there was an evident gel
and "It's going to be special" - that I could tell.
One Swiss, two Kiwis, eleven Aussies in tow,
so began our adventure, we were all keen to go.
Along with our guide, affectionately called 'Bun'
never would we have experienced so much fun.

Spiders and red ants were available to try
and crispy crickets they loved to fry.
Mouthwatering seafood in Kampot was nice

We shared in happy times, as well as the sad
counting our blessings for what we all had.
 Temples of celestial beauty and spirit
connected our hearts and souls as we knew it.

I missed karaoke, though dancing was fun,
Loved the 'two dollar' tuk tuks,
though we bartered for one (dollar).

Cocktails, wine, shooters and beers - 
we threw it all down when toasting cheers!

Bucky, you joker - so witty and sharp,
you kept me laughing, you're such a lark.
"Wandering Terry" in case you weren't told,
your photos are amazing and precious as gold.

Bun, you are a champion and deserve a 'High Five'
for keeping us entertained, safe and alive!
Crossing the road was a piece of cake -
you hold up your hand and they instantly brake.

Only in Cambodia, anything goes,
'Same, same but different'... as we all know.
Truly, my heart is overflowing with love.
I am blessed to have met you and thank 
the Gods above.

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